Pediatric Acupuncture

Pediatric Acupuncture is a specialty within the field of acupuncture that utilizes a variety of non-invasive, gentle techniques. The most commonly used amongst these is the Shonishin (Japanese pediatric acupuncture) treatment system. It is a very gentle, practical approach that is routinely applied to babies and small children. It involves the use of a variety of tools that can be tapped, rubbed or pressed on the body surface in a very gentle, noninvasive manner.


Other examples of non-invasive techniques that are used in modern pediatric acupuncture include but are not limited to ear seeds to stimulate ear points, the application of laser therapy to appropriate acupuncture points and pediatric Tui Na (Chinese massage). While most techniques are non invasive, there are occasions when the use of very fine needles can be used for gentle, superficial needling techniques as necessary.

Pediatric acupuncture treats a wide range of conditions.

The following are some of the most common conditions treated.